Gingivectomy And Gingivoplasty

Gingivectomy And Gingivoplasty


Eddie Storms

Some people are not capable of distinguishing the dental procedures called gingivectomy and gingivoplasty. These two words might sound alike, but they are two different terms. Gingivectomy is the process of surgically removing excess and infected gum tissues to promote dental health, while gingivoplasty refers to a procedure wherein the gingiva is contoured or reshaped.

Although it can still be considered as functional repair, gingivoplasty is treated as part of cosmetic dentistry more often than not. Cosmetic dentistry is an unofficial branch of dentistry which specifically focuses on the beautification of teeth. Gingivoplasty is usually done alongside the repair work of gingivectomy.

Because of modern technology, a gingivectomy can now be performed using lasers. This innovation replaces the traditional procedures that make use of scalpels and scalers. The operation may require anesthetics to relieve patients from the pain.


In Atlanta, Georgia, dentists usually start the process by cleansing a patient s mouth of germs. If

Atlanta cosmetic dentists

do not ensure that the mouth is not free from bacteria, harmful microorganisms can slip right into the incisions being made during surgery and cause further infection. One common affliction dentists are trying to avoid with this precaution is periodontitis.

When one s gums aren t treated properly, they can develop diseases such as gingivitis. This dental ailment can later worsen to the more severe illness known as periodontitis. This is why the issue needs to be addressed to by an

Atlanta cosmetic dentist

immediately. This impairment may cause gingival bleeding, halitosis, and gum swelling. It also makes one s gums very sensitive.

In order to arrest the spread of these dental problems,

Atlanta cosmetic dentists

conduct gingivectomy to close pockets that exist between teeth. Infections in these areas are some of the main causes of periodontitis. One part of the mouth is worked on at a time during this particular procedure. Dentists also mark the patient s gingiva to determine how much he or she should cut off. After the process, one s gums are likely to be disproportional, which is where gingivoplasty comes in. It fixes the misaligned gum line and contours it to become symmetrical.

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