What Are Breast Cancer Symptoms?

By J. Lloyd

A disease that strikes fear in woman and everyone knows someone that has been diagnosed and treated for this. You constantly hear about breast cancer and there are constant news releases about new treatments being pioneered within the medical community. How should respond to the news reports, magazine articles and information that you receive from your own doctor?

Basically, watching for the early signs of this disease and taking immediate action can be the most important thing you ever do for yourself.

But, what are the symptoms of breast cancer? Many women do not know the basic facts that could save their lives. And, men get this form of cancer, at a lower rate, and they should also be informed.

There are several symptoms that all men and women should watch for. You should watch for:


* a lump-it will usually be small, firm and painless

* a piece of skin on the breast or underarm that swells or that has an unusual appearance

* veins that become more prominent on one or both breasts just under the skin surface

* nipples that have a change in skin texture, develops a rash, have a discharge (other than breast milk) or that becomes inverted, or

* a depression in any area of the breast surface that was not there before.

Women that already perform monthly self breast examinations know that their breasts always have a lumpy texture. Medical people say that if you do regular self-examinations, you will be able to tell the difference between your normal texture and the development of a lump. When in doubt, see a medical professional-they are there to help you and will not laugh if you are mistaken.

The medical profession tells us that only a small percentage of all lumps found in womens breasts are malignant.

But, are you willing to take a chance and ignore the breast cancer symptoms? Being diagnosed is not a death notice-it is an opportunity for you to take action and to beat a terrible disease. Remember that every day more and more people are surviving breast cancer and living normal, healthy and long lives.

Watch for the symptoms of breast cancer. Be diligent, watchful and know the risks involved and your own family history with this disease. Even if there is no history of this disease in your family, that does not mean you are immune. Routine monthly self-examinations are the best way to ensure that you know your own body.

Do not be shy about the self-examinations and know the symptoms. No matter how slight the change in your breast, seek medical attention. Talk to your doctor; know how to be proactive in your own health care prevention and treatment. You are your own first line of defense-you know your body better than anyone else and you should be aware of any changes going on.

Think about the thousands of women every year that have survived this terrible disease. They have done so by being an actively involved in their own care and you can see many of them march every year in the Susan G. Konan race for the cure. Knowing the symptoms of breast cancer can mean the difference between you living long enough to see your grandchildren grow up or dying at an early agethe different might just be in your own hands.

About the Author: For more information on breast cancer try visiting http://www.breastcanceranalysis.com – a website that specializes in providing breast cancer related information and resources including information on

breast cancer symptoms.



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